新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗黑破坏神4》「游侠」实机演示:以无情的姿态屠杀恶魔


Real machine demonstration of "Ranger" in Diablo 4: killing demons in a merciless manner

2021-02-20 17:59:44来源: 游戏时光

在今日早上的暴雪嘉年华后,油管频道Legend Stuff 带来了一段《暗黑破坏神4》新公布职业「游侠」的实机演示,我们可以看到「游侠」更多的技能和战斗特效。而在视频的后半段(6:40 起),更有游侠和法师、德鲁伊共同组队战斗的画面。「游侠」的职业介绍:「游侠」是适应力强、行动敏捷的战士,可专精远程或近距离战斗。她能够使用强化武器击倒任何敌人、使出威力强大的连续技攻击,并藉由致命毒药和暗影魔法来强化装备,以冷酷无情的姿态屠杀恶魔。

After this morning's Blizzard carnival, the pipeline channel legend stuff & amp; nbsp; brought a live demonstration of Diablo 4's newly released professional Ranger. We can see more skills and combat special effects of Ranger. In the second half of the video (from 6:40), there are more pictures of Rangers, mages and druids fighting together. "Ranger" career introduction: "Ranger" is a soldier with strong adaptability and quick action, who can specialize in long-range or close combat. She can use enhanced weapons to knock down any enemy, use powerful continuous attacks, and use lethal poison and shadow magic to strengthen equipment, killing demons in a ruthless manner.