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Switch travel: Nintendo will face the first games!

2021-02-22 17:07:33来源: 游戏时光

新年假期过后的第一个工作日,我们就迎来了久违的任天堂直面会。本周要上架任天堂 eShop 的游戏里,也有好几款是直面会提到的作品,感兴趣的朋友该买了。本周推荐牧场物语 橄榄镇与希望的大地原名:牧場物語 オリーブタウンと希望の大地游戏解锁时间:2 月 24 日 23 点(日服)语言:港服中文最低参考价:253.64 人民币(墨西哥服)虽然 2019 年才出了个《哆啦A梦 牧场物语》,但本周要发售的这款《牧场物语 橄榄镇与希望的大地》才是系列的正统新作。游戏中,玩家需要从开荒干起,一点点建立起属于自己的牧场。本作的地图面积是系列以来最大的,通过不断拓荒,玩家可以随心所欲扩建、规划自己的农场建筑与农田。当然,本作也少不了系列一贯的社交玩法。游戏中有不少个性各异的角色,玩家有机会跟他们发展成恋爱关系。加上角色编辑功能,

The first working day after the new year's holiday, we ushered in the long lost Nintendo face-to-face meeting. This week to be on the shelves of Nintendo eshop game, there are several will be mentioned in the face of the works, interested friends should buy. This week, we recommend the original name of olive town and the land of hope: the story of the ranch, the story of the ranch, the story of the hope, the story of the land game unlock time: 23:00 on February 24 (Japanese service) language: Hong Kong service Chinese minimum reference price: 253.64 RMB (Mexican service). Although the story of Doraemon ranch is only released in 2019, the story of the ranch will be on sale this week Olive town and the land of hope is the orthodox new work of the series. In the game, players need to build their own pasture from the beginning. This map area is the largest in the series. Through continuous pioneering, players can expand and plan their own farm buildings and farmland at will. Of course, this work also has a series of consistent social play. There are many characters with different personalities in the game, and players have the opportunity to develop a love relationship with them. With the role editing function,