新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想16》新情报:将强调动作元素


New information of Final Fantasy 16: emphasis on action elements

2021-02-22 17:52:39来源: 游戏时光

《最终幻想16》自公布以来就一直没向外界透露太多消息,今天游戏制作人吉田直树在一个广播节目里透露了《最终幻想16》将以“动作元素”为主导,同时制作团队正在优化游戏剧本。该广播节目叫做“TOKYOFM/JFN『ONE MORNING』”,邀请了吉田直树作为嘉宾聊聊《最终幻想14》,但在节目中吉田直树非常简短地提到了《最终幻想16》的内容。首先《最终幻想16》会是一款强调“动作元素”的游戏,为了照顾到更多玩家,制作团队正在努力让不擅长动作游戏的玩家也能玩得尽兴。游戏剧本方面的工作也在同步推进,他们目前在为创作出更好的剧情而努力。来源:Twitter

"Final Fantasy 16" has not disclosed much information to the outside world since it was released. Today, game producer Yoshida Naoki revealed in a radio program that "Final Fantasy 16" will be dominated by "action elements", and the production team is optimizing the game script. The radio program is called "tokyofm / JFN" one moving ". Yoshida was invited as a guest to talk about" Final Fantasy 14 ". But in the program, Yoshida mentioned the content of" Final Fantasy 16 "very briefly. First of all, "Final Fantasy 16" will be a game emphasizing "action elements". In order to take care of more players, the production team is trying to make players who are not good at Action Games enjoy themselves. The work of game script is also advancing at the same time. They are working hard to create a better plot. Source: Twitter

标签: 最终幻想