新关注 > 信息聚合 > 合作动作冒险游戏《双人成行》实机宣传片公布


Cooperative action adventure game "two in a row" real machine Promo released

2021-02-23 09:40:13来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Hazelight 放出了合作动作冒险游戏《双人成行》的实机宣传片,由制作人 Josef Fares 进行解说,展示了游戏的剧情背景和部分关卡玩法。视频地址《双人成行》已正式送厂压盘。本作预计3月26日登陆 Xbox Series X|S、PS5、PS4、Xbox One、PC 平台。

Developer hazelight released a real-time video of the cooperative action adventure game "two men in a row", which was explained by producer Josef fares, showing the background of the game and some levels of play. Video address "two people" has been officially sent to the factory. This project is expected to be launched on Xbox series x|s, ps5, PS4, Xbox one and PC platforms on March 26.

标签: 游戏