新关注 > 信息聚合 > 基于超高频RFID制服管理系统的成功案例


Based on UHF RFID uniform management system of the successful case

2015-10-16 17:02:59来源: RFID世界网

摘要:深圳市铨顺宏科技作为RFID领导品牌--Trimble旗下的ThingMagic代理商,配合各大运营商/集成商,成功的将ThingMagic--超高频RFID设备,多次成功的运用在各种场景中 ...

Abstract: Shenzhen Quan Shunhong science and technology as the leading brand of RFID --Trimble's thingmagic agents to, with the major operators / integrator, success will ThingMagic-- ultra high frequency RFID devices and multiple function used in a variety of scenarios.