新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中州大道这段路今上午封闭 提醒司机朋友绕行

中州大道这段路今上午封闭 提醒司机朋友绕行

This section this morning Plains Road closed to remind drivers to bypass a friend

2016-01-22 04:43:46来源: 大河网

中州大道这段路将封闭施工 河南商报记者 邓万里/摄 河南商报记者 陈朋冲 陇海高架早已通车了,陇海路中州大道立交也通车了,但半年多来,陇海路中州大道立交向南的匝道口一直没开通,市民到这儿要绕行...

Plains Road section of the road will be closed to the construction of Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Deng Wanli / photo Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Chen Peng and Chong Longhai elevated already open to traffic, the Longhai Road Plains Road interchange is also open to traffic, but more than six months, Longhai Road south of Plains Road Interchange exit ramp has not opened to the public here to bypass ...