新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国网媒同行齐聚海南 为“一路一带”建设点赞

全国网媒同行齐聚海南 为“一路一带”建设点赞

Media colleagues across the country gathered in Hainan "along the way" construction for the praise

2015-06-24 22:10:52来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线海口6月24日讯(浙江在线记者/曾杨希 编辑/马丽红) 6月24日,“一带一路看海南——2015年全国重点网络媒体海南行”向首站海口进发,浙江在线记者和来自全国各地60家左右重点网络媒体的记...

Zhejiang Online Haikou, June 24 hearing (Zhejiang Online reporter / had Yangxi edit / maligong) on June 24, "along the way Hainan - 2015 China's major Internet media in Hainan" embarked on the first stop of Haikou, Zhejiang Online reporter and from all over the country 60% on the network media...