新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰州地铁1号线一期工程土门墩至西客站盾构区间右..


Lanzhou, Metro Line 1 project Tumen pier to the West Railway Station shield interval right..

2015-09-29 08:49:00来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:1号线一期工程土门墩至西客站盾构区间右线隧道顺利贯通 9月28日,伴随着“金城七号”土压平衡盾构机缓缓破洞而出,兰州轨道交通1号线一期工程土门墩至西客站盾构区间右线隧道顺利贯通,这也是1...

original title: Line 1 project Tumen pier to the West Railway Station shield interval right line tunnel smoothly through September 28, accompanied by the Jincheng 7 soil pressure balance shield machine slowly hole and, Maryland Rail Transit Line 1 project Tumen pier to the West Railway Station shield interval right line smoothly through the tunnel. This is 1.