新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高永维:国庆不成“劫”需要“三枪”连发


Gao Yongwei: National Day not to "rob" need "three gun" bursts

2015-09-30 17:21:55来源: 荆楚网

为维护国庆期间节日市场价格秩序,保护消费者合法价格权益,广东省发改委昨日就规范国庆期间市场价格行为发出提醒告诫书,强调商家打折降价不得欺骗误导消费者。(9月30日《羊城晚报》) 又是一年国庆黄金...

to maintain national day during the holiday, the market price of the order, the legitimate interests of the consumer protection price, Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission yesterday on the specification market price behavior during the national day issued a reminder letter warned, emphasizing the merchant discount price shall not to cheat and mislead consumers. (September 30th "Yangcheng Evening News") is a national day gold...