新关注 > 信息聚合 > 政协委员:郑州多处旧楼房没电梯 由街道办牵头解..

政协委员:郑州多处旧楼房没电梯 由街道办牵头解..

CPPCC member: zhengzhou several old buildings no elevator Led by neighborhood solution..

2016-01-30 06:31:42来源: 大河网

郑州的旧居民楼,绝大多数都没有电梯 河南商报记者 王春胜/摄 河南商报记者宋晓珊 首席记者李肖肖赵强 侯先生在微信朋友圈里感慨:15天了,70多岁的老母亲来郑州后,只从7楼下去3次。...

Zhengzhou old residential building, the vast majority of the elevator Henan business newspaper reporters Henan business newspaper reporter Song Xiaoshan Wang Chunsheng/of perturbation Chief reporter Li Xiaoxiao zhao jiang Mr. Hou in WeChat circle of friends regrets: 15 days, after more than 70 - year - old mother to zhengzhou, only from the 7th floor down 3 times. ...