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新年装机不求人 天猫网上电脑组件推荐

New year is installed machine without melding lynx online computer components recommended

2015-01-23 00:42:17来源: IT168

【IT168 导购】今年在电商大趋势之下,组装电脑的途径变得更急丰富。除了传统的电脑城组装电脑之外,在天猫兴起的网购组装电脑服务也越来越受人欢迎。记得以往组装电脑,都是挨家挨户的去电脑店对比价格,然...

[IT168 guide] this year under the trend of electronic business, assembling computer become more acute and rich. In addition to the traditional computer city assembly computer, the rise of online shopping online shopping service is increasingly popular. Remember the past computer assembly, is to store computer from door to door price comparison, however...

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