新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江职院牵头建千万国家级教学资源库 盼推航运建设

浙江职院牵头建千万国家级教学资源库 盼推航运建设

Zhejiang Vocational and technical college led built tens of millions of national teaching resource library hope to push the shipping construction

2015-07-13 21:26:35来源: 人民网

中新网杭州7月13日电 (记者 施佳秀 通讯员 严洪广)记者13日从浙江交通职业技术学院(下称“浙江交院”)获悉,该院此前牵头建设航海技术专业教学资源库,项目总投资1000余万元,已正式成为国家级职...

people's Network Beijing, Hangzhou, July 13 (reporter correspondent Hong Guang Yan) reporter on the 13th from Zhejiang Vocational and Technical Institute of transportation (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang pay hospital") was informed, the hospital after holding head construction navigation technology specialty teaching resources storehouse, projects with a total investment of more than 1000 million yuan has officially become a national vocational...