新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神秘网友透露小米5各版本售价 最高3099元

神秘网友透露小米5各版本售价 最高3099元

5 users revealed mysterious millet highest price 3099 yuan each edition

2016-01-25 19:01:30来源: 4399

前不久,小米5刚刚确定了发布时间,并且官方宣称这次将不再是1999,这让很多粉丝开始好奇小米5的价格到底是多少。近日,一位神秘网友放出了小米5各个配置下的售价,一起看一下吧。 从图中可以看出,小米...

Not long ago, millet 5 just determined the release time, and the official claim that this will no longer be 1999, which makes a lot of fans began to wonder millet prices 5 in the end is how much. Recently, a mysterious friends released a price of millet 5 for each configuration, and together look at it. As can be seen from the figure, millet ...