新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口广物滨海国际广告花篮摆马路中央存隐患 物业..

海口广物滨海国际广告花篮摆马路中央存隐患 物业..

Haikou wide material Binhai International Advertising basket of flowers placed in the middle of the street kept hidden property..

2015-09-27 20:38:06来源: 南海网

摆在路中央的广告花篮(南海网记者刘培远摄) 摆在路中央的广告花篮(南海网记者刘培远摄) 摆在路中央的广告花篮(南海网记者刘培远摄) 南海网海口9月27日消息(南海网记者 刘培远)近日,网友“...

placed in the middle of the road advertising basket (Nanhai network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu photo) placed in the central road advertising basket (Nanhai network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu photo) placed in the middle of the road advertising basket (Nanhai network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu photo) Haikou, South China Sea Network September 27 news (South China Sea network reporter Tessie Pei Yuan Liu) recently, the netizen "...