新关注 > 信息聚合 > 致远电子手持终端助力花都大型化妆品工厂仓库管理


Zhiyuan electronic handheld terminals help Huadu large cosmetics factory warehouse management

2015-07-03 16:24:44来源: RFID世界网

摘要:ZLG致远电子手持终端HPC-6000助力花都大型化妆品工厂,将所生产的全部产品纳入防伪防串货体系,通过引用RFID及二维码对仓库作业的改造,大大的降低了仓库的损耗,给企业带来不小的收益。 ...

Abstract: Zhiyuan ZLG electronic handheld terminal HPC-6000 power Huadu large cosmetics factory, the production of all products into anti false and anti transshipment system, through reference RFID and two-dimensional code to the warehouse work transformation, greatly reduces the loss of the warehouse, bring the benefits to the enterprise. ...