新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一秒200级 《征途2》开创"私服"营销

一秒200级 《征途2》开创"私服"营销

A second class 200 "Journey 2" to create "Sifu" marketing

2015-03-20 17:09:12来源: 天极网

“登录游戏秒升200级,还送顶级武器套装!”看似颇为夸张,如同私服般的游戏待遇却真正的出现在了官方正式服中。《征途2》爽服新区今日正式上线,玩家登录游戏便可以瞬间秒升200级,并获赠顶级游戏套装。 ...

"login the game seconds l class 200, gave the top weapons suit!" seems quite exaggerated, like Sifu games treatment is really appear in the official service. "Journey 2" cool service area today formally launched, players log in the game you can instantly seconds to 200, and received a top game set. ...