新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甜馨瞪眼搞怪卖萌 贾乃亮妖娆眼线抢镜

甜馨瞪眼搞怪卖萌 贾乃亮妖娆眼线抢镜

Sweet sweet stare funny sold Meng Jia Nailiang enchanting eyeliner to steal the spotlight

2015-09-01 16:17:01来源: 新华报业网

今天下午,贾乃亮在微博晒出了一张和女儿甜馨的搞怪合影,还调侃两人一个是老贾,一个是小贾。 老贾,小贾…… 新浪娱乐讯今天下午,贾乃亮在微博晒出了一张和女儿甜馨的搞怪合影,还调侃两人一个是老贾...

this afternoon, Jia Nailiang in micro Bo sun out the A and her sweet Xin funny photo, also make fun of two people is an old Jia, a is Xiao Jia. Old Jia, Xiao jia...... The Sina entertainment news this afternoon, Jia Nailiang microblogging drying out of the A and her sweet Xin funny photo, also make fun of two people is an old Jia...