新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斯塔勒:积分升第二只想冲超 希望争破10连胜纪录

斯塔勒:积分升第二只想冲超 希望争破10连胜纪录

Staller: integral lift the second only to flush the ultra hope struggle broke the 10 game winning streak record Sina

2015-08-29 22:36:51来源: 新浪

阿尔滨升至积分榜第二 新浪体育讯 2015中甲联赛第24轮,大连阿尔滨一方主场迎战深圳宇恒,最终凭借小将孙国文终场前的进球,阿尔滨一方1-0取胜对手,获得近期联赛六连胜。赛后两队主帅出席了新闻发布会,发布会上一方主帅斯塔勒表示:“很难得球队取得六连胜,但我们把握机会的能力还要提高,感...

Albin rose to table the second of sina sports dispatch 2015 medium armor league tournament 24th round, Dalian aerbin party at home against Shenzhen Yuheng, eventually with the young sun Guowen before the final goal, Al bin side 1-0 to win the opponent, recent six league wins. After the game the two teams coach to attend the press conference, the conference on one side manager Stadler said: "very difficult team to obtain six winning streak, but we have to seize the opportunity to improve the sense of...