新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保定望都特教学校着力培养学生适应社会能力


Baoding Wangdu special education school to cultivate students' ability to adapt to society

2015-01-23 23:35:02来源: 河北新闻网

1月22日,保定望都县特教学校的体育课上,师生一起在做丢手绢的游戏。 1月22日,在望都县特教学校的美工活动室,学生们认真上手工课。

1 month 22 days, Baoding Wangdu County special education school sports class, teachers and students together to do throw handkerchief game. In January 22nd, art activities room in Wangdu County special education school, the students seriously handwork lessons.