新关注 > 信息聚合 > 将有额外内容 《瘦长鬼影:降临》确认登次世代

将有额外内容 《瘦长鬼影:降临》确认登次世代

There will be additional content "slender" ghosting: come to confirm the board next generation

2015-02-02 23:11:34来源: 逗游网

据外媒报道,在PEGI这个欧洲游戏评级组织的相关网站上看到了恐怖游戏《瘦长鬼影:降临(Slender: The Arrival)》将会登陆次世代主机的消息,PS4和Xbox One的玩家将有机会体验...

according to foreign media reports, the relevant site in PEGI the European game rating organizations see horror game "lanky ghosting: Falls (Slender: The Arrival)" will be landing in the next gen consoles news, PS4 and Xbox One game player will have the chance to experience...