新关注 > 信息聚合 > 起底周迅老公:45岁美籍华裔 曾获全美最性感男人

起底周迅老公:45岁美籍华裔 曾获全美最性感男人

Initial Xun Zhou husband: a 45 year old Chinese American won the America's sexiest man

2015-04-01 09:27:55来源: 新华报业网

5月8日凌晨1点20分左右,周迅工作室官方微博“i周迅”微博发布周迅与男友高圣远的合影照,并附有文字介绍:“This is Archie,请大家多多关照”,正式公布恋情。照片中周迅与男友站在河边,甜...

5 Sept. 8 at about one twenty, Xun Zhou studio official micro-blog "I photo of Xun Zhou" micro-blog released Xun Zhou and her boyfriend Gao Shengyuan as, with a text description: "This is Archie, please take care", formally announced the romance. The photographs of Xun Zhou and her boyfriend stood by the river, sweet...