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油价"十三连跌"成定局 每吨约降400元

Oil prices "Thirteen even fall" is a foregone conclusion down about 400 yuan per ton

2015-01-25 22:18:52来源: 爱卡汽车网

由于国际货币基金组织(IMF)下调全球经济增速预期,加上原油供应充裕,国际油价20日再次大幅下跌,国内将迎油价“十三连跌”。分析认为,由于国际油价跌势凶猛,国内油价在下周一有望再次迎来下调。 机构预测国内油价下周一将迎十三连跌 按 照国内成品油定价机制 “十个工作日一调”原则,国...

as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) down global economic growth is expected, coupled with ample supply of crude oil, 20 international oil prices fell sharply again, domestic oil prices will meet "Thirteen even fall". The analysis thinks, the international oil price declines fierce, domestic oil prices in the next week is expected to once again usher down. Institutions predict domestic oil prices next week will meet thirteen even fall according to the domestic refined oil pricing mechanism to "tune" the principle of ten working days, china...