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Split screen level ARPG the elder 3 "today's hot open test

2015-08-27 19:00:48来源: 4399

本次内测于8月27日早上10点正式开启,裂屏级ARPG大作《上古3》本次删档测试持续7天,将开放1组服务器“英雄传说”,倍受期待的多元玩法势必将在今秋刮起一股猛烈的ARPG风暴! 【职业一键切换,...

this beta at 10 in the morning on August 27 officially opened, crack screen ARPG" ancient 3 "the deleted file test last 7 days, will be open server group 1" the legend of heroes ", the highly anticipated diverse gameplay is bound in the fall of blowing a violent ARPG storm! A key to switch,...