新关注 > 信息聚合 > 银行女职员点钞后没洗手如厕 或因此染上性病

银行女职员点钞后没洗手如厕 或因此染上性病

Female bank staff counting no toilet soap or infected with sexually transmitted diseases

2015-06-21 14:01:10来源: 南方网

关键字: 点钞 染上性病 性病患者 小乐 阿丽 离体 化名 细菌 接诊 淋球菌 摘要: 30岁的市民阿丽(化名)最近去市医院妇科做检查,发现得了性病(古称花柳病)。接诊医生仔细询问病史后,找到了疑凶:原来,阿丽是市区某银行的柜员,由于工作忙,她经常在点钞后没洗手就上厕所,很可能是因为...

keyword: counting infected with STD STD patients with small Le Ali isolated bacteria alias admissions of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Abstract: 30 years old citizens Ali (a pseudonym) recently to City Hospital Department of gynaecology check, now had sexually transmitted diseases (ancient name of venereal disease). Accepts the doctor asked in detail about the history, found the suspect: originally, Ali is a city in a bank teller, because the job is busy, she often after counting did not wash their hands on the toilet, probably is because...