新关注 > 信息聚合 > 饥饿的鲨鱼进化史前苍龙怎么样 鲨鱼大全之史前苍..

饥饿的鲨鱼进化史前苍龙怎么样 鲨鱼大全之史前苍..

Shark evolution prehistoric dragon hungry sharks. How prehistoric Cang dragon is a prehistoric shark evolution of..

2015-04-19 12:20:31来源: 4399

史前苍龙是饥饿的鲨鱼进化(Hungry Shark Evolution)最新版本才推出的新型鲨鱼,玩家需要解锁了邓氏鲨以后才能继续解锁,并且版本必须要IOS3.10版才能获得,那么到底这只比邓氏鲨还...

(Hungry Shark Evolution) hungry new shark latest version was launched, game player need to unlock the Deng's shark later can continue to unlock, and the version must be IOS3.10 version in order to obtain, so in the end it is only Deng's shark also...