新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北理工珠海学院升格2A院校


North Polytechnic College of Zhuhai upgraded 2A

2015-05-01 23:37:09来源: 广东新闻网

广东新闻网珠海4月30日电 (冒韪 陈彦儒 曾凯玲)“终于等到你,还好我没放弃。”不少北理工珠海学院的学生近日纷纷转发了关于北理珠升级为2A院校的消息。 近日该校京涛海纳工作室率先在全校范围内发...

college news network news Zhuhai on 30 April, (Mao Wei and Chen Yanru Ceng Kailing) "until you finally, but fortunately I did not give up." Many North polytechnic school students in Zhuhai have recently forwarded on the North Pearl upgrade to 2A College news. Recently the school kingtao Haina studio the first within the school...