新关注 > 信息聚合 > “吕秀才”晒结婚证 娇妻是主持人比他小10岁

“吕秀才”晒结婚证 娇妻是主持人比他小10岁

"Lv" Sun marriage certificate wife is host than he was ten years younger people

2015-01-23 11:01:31来源: 人民网

吕秀才再也不用担心被郭芙蓉“排”了。 本报讯(记者王慧纯)新年这半个月喜事不断,周董结婚、吴奇隆结婚,昨天“秀才”喻恩泰也亮出结婚证宣告已婚身份,让没脱单的网友有点惆怅,“怎么回事?感觉全世界都...

LV never worried about being Guo Furong "row". Report from our correspondent (reporter Wang Huichun) half of the month of the new year happy event continued, Jay married, married to Nicky, "Scholar" Yu Entai yesterday also flashed a marriage certificate to declare married identity, let not off single users a bit melancholy, "what's the matter? Feel the whole world...