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扬州连续举办自行车赛 自行车赛成户外运动新宠

Yangzhou for a bicycle race Cycling into outdoor sports to be bestowed favor on newly

2015-05-27 16:14:59来源: 搜狐

24日,仪征自行车公开赛刚刚落幕,31日,环高邮湖国际自行车越野赛又将鸣枪。扬州将在一周内迎来两项自行车赛。 事实上,继马拉松成为国内各大城市争相举办的热门运动后,自行车赛事也成为众多城市眼中的...

24, yizheng bicycle open corporation has just ended, 31, ring in gaoyou lake international bicycle motocross and firing. Yangzhou will usher in two cycling in a week. In fact, the marathon became popular in domestic cities compete to hold, cycling has become in the eyes of many city...