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佘山房屋倒塌事故追踪 :出事前装修施工谁在监管

Sheshan housing collapse accident tracking: the accident before the renovation of the construction who supervise

2016-04-13 07:57:58来源: 参考消息网

人民网上海4月12电(张西美朵) 昨日(11日)13:25许,松江区佘山镇西霞路61号一幢始建于80年代的三层房屋突然倒塌。 今天清晨,经过搜救人员十几个小时的搜救,及武警、公安的多次探测确认,废墟中无生命迹象,原探测出的两处生命迹象均被排除,搜救工作于12日6时左右结束。目前,一中年...

People net Shanghai on April 12 (Zhang Bixi duo) yesterday (11) 13:25 Xu, Sheshan Town, Songjiang District Xixia Road No. 61 a house founded in 1980s of three houses collapsed. This morning, after a search and rescue personnel more than a dozen hours of search and rescue, police, public security multiple detection confirmed that the ruins without signs of life, the original probe measured two signs of life were excluded, search and rescue work in 6 days 12 when the left and right end. At present, a middle-aged...