新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈晓东晒与二女儿合照 面对面躺一起画面温馨

陈晓东晒与二女儿合照 面对面躺一起画面温馨

Daniel sun and second daughter, pictured face to face lying together picture warm

2015-08-22 17:37:14来源: 中国青年网

陈晓东微博截图 陈晓东微博截图 中新网8月22日电 昨晚,陈晓东通过微博上晒出自己与二女儿的合照。照片中,他和女儿面对面躺在一起,画面十分温馨。 网友看到后纷纷转发留言,“超可爱,看了都融化了”、“太温馨了”、“好幸福”、“小宝快乐成长”。 据悉,陈晓东大女儿朵朵上个月才...

Daniel microblogging screenshot screenshot Daniel microblogging new network on August 22 (Xinhua) last night, Daniel through microblogging drying out photo of themselves and two daughters. In the picture, he and his daughter face to face together, the picture is very warm. Users see after forwarding a message, "super cute, see the melt", was too warm, so happy, Andy happy growth ". It is reported that Daniel Chan's daughter was blossoming last month...