新关注 > 信息聚合 > 949元一线强卡 微星GTX 750 Ti GAMING热卖

949元一线强卡 微星GTX 750 Ti GAMING热卖

750 Ti gaming 949 Yuan line kappas MSI GTX hot

2015-04-22 18:07:59来源: 中关村在线

基于非公版设计的一线热门显卡微星GTX 750 Ti GAMING是千元内产品中非常值得各位玩家入手的好产品,这不光是因为949元的售价在同类一线产品中非常亲民,该显卡更高的核心频率还会带来出色的游...

based on 750 Ti gaming non-public version of the design's popular line of MSI VGA GTX is thousand dollars in products is worth all the players of the good products. This is not because 949 yuan price in a similar line of products is very friendly, the higher the graphics core frequency will bring excellent tour...