新关注 > 信息聚合 > 39岁李小冉嫁徐佳宁 应采儿、朱丹等出席婚礼

39岁李小冉嫁徐佳宁 应采儿、朱丹等出席婚礼

39 year old Li Xiaoran to marry Xu Jianing Cherrie Ying, Zhu Dan, and attended the day before the wedding

2015-08-10 12:32:53来源: 中国青年网

39岁的李小冉与徐佳宁前日在比利时举办婚礼。婚礼仪式简单而温馨,钟欣桐、应采儿、陈小春、朱丹、李光洁、刘天佐等圈内好友出席,共同见证幸福。 据悉,徐佳宁是一位制片人,曾与李小冉合作过《来不及说我爱你》。 (星星)

39 year old Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing in Belgium wedding. The wedding ceremony is simple and warm, Gillian Chung, Cherrie Ying, Jordan Chan, Zhu Dan, Li Guangjie, Liu Tianzuo, and other circles friends to attend, to witness the happiness. It is reported that Xu Jianing is a producer, had worked with Li Xiaoran to say I love you. (Xing Xing)