新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林青霞竟被黑道强迫拍裸戏 娱乐圈内幕让人震惊

林青霞竟被黑道强迫拍裸戏 娱乐圈内幕让人震惊

Brigitte Lin is actually Mafia forced shoot nude scene entertainment insider shocking

2015-08-04 13:04:25来源: 新华报业网

有关女艺人拍摄裸照的新闻时有耳闻,但如今有不少男艺人也流行拍博取眼球,这俨然成为了娱乐圈新人走红的一种风气,对于这种自愿拍摄的明星,也不必批评他们,可怜的是那些被强迫拍摄的明星。 吴启华自曝曾被骗拍三级片拍完想息影 曾将文质彬彬的医生“程至美”演得有血有肉的吴启华,其实之前拍过多套...

about female artist photographed nude news heard from time to time, but now there are many male artists also popular shot to win the eye, which seems to have become a popular entertainment new a kind of atmosphere of, for the voluntary shooting stars, there is no need to criticize them, the poor are those being forced to shoot for the stars. Chi Hwa Wu exposes once cheated take three finished to celebrity has gentle doctor "process to the United States" played the flesh and blood of Chi Hwa Wu, in fact, before taking multiple sets of...