新关注 > 信息聚合 > 足总杯抽签:曼联阿森纳争4强名额 利物浦战英冠队

足总杯抽签:曼联阿森纳争4强名额 利物浦战英冠队

FA Cup draw: United Arsenal for strong 4 places the Liverpool championship team

2015-02-17 06:52:08来源: 新浪

曼联和阿森纳将在足总杯下轮交锋 新浪体育讯 北京时间2月17日消息,英格兰足总杯结束了1/8决赛的全部争夺,在最后一场1/8决赛中,曼联3-1逆转击败了普雷斯顿,而在赛前的抽签仪式上,本场的胜者...

Manchester United and Arsenal in the FA Cup round confrontation of sina sports news Beijing standard time on February 17th message, England FA Cup 1/8 finals for the end of all, in the last 1/8 in the final, Manchester United beat Preston 3-1 reversal, and before the game the draw ceremony, the winner of the field...