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《武媚娘》在台首播 首集就“完结”引讨论(图)

"Wu Mei Niang" premiered in Taiwan the first episode is "the end" lead discussion (Figure)

2015-03-31 10:40:52来源: 人民网

台湾中视公关部表示,在其电视台播出的《武媚娘传奇》是另一个版本,从老年时开播。图自台湾“中央社” 中新网3月31日电 据台湾“中央社”消息,台湾中视30日晚8时首播大陆电视剧《武媚娘传奇》,却有戏迷网友反映,中视首播就播错集,长达半小时疑把完结篇武则天终老退位时的内容拿来当第一集播。...

CTV Taiwan Public Relations Department said, in the television broadcast of the "Wu Mei Niang legend" is another version, from the elderly launched. Figure from Taiwan's Central News Agency in Beijing on March 31, according to Taiwan's Central News Agency news, CTV Taiwan on the night of 30 8 premiere TV drama, the Wu Mei Niang legend ", but fans users reflect, CTV premiered on sowing wrong set and half hour long suspected the end of Wu Zetian died back when the content of brought when the first episode broadcast. ...