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永安公墓播报:提起参加永安杯 感觉有了奔头

Yongan cemetery broadcast: filed in Yongan cup, I feel have Bentou

2015-07-23 23:53:53来源: 北方网

天津北方网讯:在7月22日举行的“永安杯”第六届中老年歌舞大赛东丽赛区的海选现场,爱心男声合唱团的出现让观众眼前一亮。一直是女多男少的歌舞大赛,这次竟然是男团齐上阵,不论是演唱还是伴奏。 爱心男声...

Tianjin North news: held on July 22, Yongan Cup "the sixth in the dance contest aged Dongli division of the audition site. Love male voice choir appeared the audience's eyes light up. Are women less than men dance contest, this is actually the men into battle, whether singing or accompaniment. Male love...