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《奇葩说》两周点击1400万 卫视真人秀太雷同

"Wonderful work" said two weeks click 14000000 TV reality show is too similar

2014-12-08 21:00:51来源: 中国广播网

央广网财经北京12月8日(记者 张奥)据经济公司《天下公司》报道,如果你还在谈论“中国跑男”—《奔跑吧,兄弟》,我只能你说out了,现在正当红的是《奇葩说》。 由爱奇艺制作,高晓松、蔡康永、马东...

CNR net finance and economics of Beijing in December 8th (reporter Zhang Ao) according to the economic company "company in the world" report, if you are still talking about "Chinese run male" - "run", brothers, I can only say you out, now just red "flower" is said. Produced by IDG arts, Gao Xiaosong, Kevin Tsai, Ma Dong...