新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五婚姻状态男人最爱


Five marital status men love

2014-12-02 21:02:00来源: 和讯网

点击图片进入 五种婚姻状态男人最喜欢 不愿理财 如果男人在单身的时候是挣多少花多少的状态,结婚后也别指望他们有所改变。他们觉得个人理财是一件很麻烦的事,还不如将经历放在业余爱好上。所以男人...

click into the picture to five marital status most men like reluctant to finance if the man in the single time earn how state, after getting married, don't expect them to change. They feel that the personal financial management is a very troublesome thing, still be inferior to focus on my hobby. So the man...