新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华北理工大学学生赴遵化开展社会实践活动(图)


North China Science University students went to Zunhua to carry out social practice activities (Figure)

2015-07-16 23:01:44来源: 环渤海新闻网

赠送新文具 记者 付卫峥 摄 环渤海新闻网消息 (刘潇潇 付卫峥)7月15日上午,华北理工大学学生骨干社会实践服务团来到遵化市马兰峪二村开展社会实践活动。师生们向村民和村委会捐赠了杂志,农技、文化...

presented new stationery reporter Fu Weizheng taken on July 15 in the Bohai Sea news network news (Liu Xiaoxiao) Fu Weizheng morning, North China Institute of University of technology backbone students social practice service group to carry out social practice compliance, Ma Lan Yu Er Cun. The teachers and students to the villagers and the village committee donated a magazine, agricultural technology, culture...