新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第九届“两马”体育联谊赛开幕


The ninth session of the "two horse" sports tournament opening

2014-12-16 02:12:08来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动(0) “两马”选手共同参加第九届“两马”体育联谊赛自行车赛项目的比赛。刘可耕 摄 “两马”选手共同参加第九届“两马”体育联谊赛路跑项目的比赛。刘可耕 摄 12月14日,由福州马尾经济文化交流合作中心和台湾马祖经贸文化交流联谊会联合主办的第九届“两马”体育联谊赛在福州...

interactive participation (0) "two horse" players together to attend the ninth session of the "two horse" sports tournament cycling project competition. Photo by Liu Kegeng "two horse" players together to attend the ninth session of the "two horse" Sports Association Sino running project competition. Photo by Liu Kegeng in December 14th, by the Fuzhou Mawei economic and cultural exchange and cooperation center and the Taiwan Matsu economic and Cultural Exchange Association jointly sponsored the ninth session of the "two horse" sports tournament in Fuzhou...