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三星GALAXY Tab S 拒绝现代社会的牛郎织女

Samsung GALAXY Tab S refused to modern society, the

2014-08-01 18:01:35来源: 中关村在线

"世界上最遥远的距离,是我在你身边,你却在玩手机。"--科技产品不是在拉近人与人的距离,相反,它让我们更加疏远。传说中的牛郎织女只是空间上的分离,现代社会的"牛郎织女"却是心灵上的分离,是时候找回那些我们共同度过的时光了。 三星GALAXY Tab S平板电脑,就是这个七夕情人节为情侣...

"the furthest distance in the world, is I in your side, you are playing mobile phone. "- technology products not in narrowing the distance between people, on the contrary, it let us apart. The legend of the Cowherd and the girl weaver is the spatial separation, the modern society "the Cowherd and the girl weaver" is the soul of separation, it was time to get back to the time that we spent together. Samsung GALAXY Tab S tablet computer, is the July 7th Valentine's day for lovers...

标签: 三星