新关注 > 信息聚合 > 方滨兴:建立网络安全审查制度刻不容缓


Fang Binxing: the establishment of the network security review system

2014-05-23 18:34:53来源: 新浪

我国为什么要出台网络安全审查制度?审查将以何种方式进行?审查将对老百姓的日常生活带来怎样的影响? 中国工程院院士方滨兴告诉记者,近年来,针对我国的网络安全事件不断增加,建立网络安全审查制度刻不容缓。 中国信息安全评测中心总工程师王军表示,“网络安全审查应包括事前审查、事中监测和事...

Sina China why network security review system? The review will be carried out in what way? The review will bring what kind of impact on people's daily life? Fang Binxing China Academy of engineering, told reporters, in recent years, in view of the network security event in China continues to increase, the establishment of the network security review of brook no delay. Chinese evaluation information security center chief engineer Wang Jun said, "the network security review should include monitoring and everything in the prior review...