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政策效果显现 楼市加速回暖(图)

The effects of policies appear to speed up the property market warmer (Figure)

2015-06-04 01:20:55来源: 搜狐

重点提示 房地产市场无论是对投资还是对消费增长贡献占比都不容忽视,尤其是在当前经济增长放缓的情况下,房地产的作用更加重要。这也是国家多次出台促进住房消费政策的意图所在。现在,楼市的回暖将有助于推...

key that regardless of the real estate market is for investment or for consumption growth contribution accounted for than are not ignored, especially in the current slowdown in economic growth, the role of the real estate is more important. This is the state repeatedly introduced to promote housing consumption policy intent. Now, the warmer will help push the property market...