新关注 > 信息聚合 > 等了256天37岁科比复出 2年重伤3次共缺赛88场

等了256天37岁科比复出 2年重伤3次共缺赛88场

Etc. the 256 days 37 year old Kobe comeback two years wounded three times total lack of 10 month season 88

2015-10-07 13:31:08来源: 中国新闻网

北京时间10月5日,在湖人战爵士的季前赛中,“紫金军团”以19分的劣势负于对手。不过球迷们更关心的是,等待了256天之后,现年37岁的科比终于复出,重返赛场! 这是科比自今年1月22日以来首次在...

Beijing time 5,, in before the season the Lakers Jazz game, "Zijin corps" with 19 points the disadvantages lost to rivals. But fans are more concerned about is, waiting for 256 days after the 37 year old Kobe finally back, return to the field! This is Kobe for the first time since January 22nd of this year...