新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年美国最佳创业加速器:助力科技繁荣


In 2015 America best venture accelerator: boosting the prosperity of science and technology

2015-03-19 13:00:04来源: 大河网

如今,创业加速器已是科技界必不可少的存在,但就在几年前,它还是少见的新鲜事物。 当研究员叶尔·霍希堡(Yael Hochberg)和苏珊·科恩(Susan Cohen)分别于2010年和2011...

now, business accelerator has been technology industry essential existence, but in a few years ago, it was rare to new things. When the researcher Yel Hogsburg (Yael Hochberg) and Susan Cohen (Susan Cohen) respectively in 2010 and 2011...