新关注 > 信息聚合 > BALL 波尔表推出全新铁路长官系列月相表(图)

BALL 波尔表推出全新铁路长官系列月相表(图)

BALL launched a new series of Boer table railway executive phase of the moon (Figure)

2015-04-10 19:57:45来源: 大河网

自古以来,人类都为月相变化的奥妙深深着迷,透过月相圆缺来引导方向、观测四时变化,及发明月历。月相永恒不息的运转为人类生活作息带来规律。为此,波尔表(BALL Watch)融合月相变化与创新的制表技术...

since ancient times, human beings for the phase change it deeply through the phases of the moon, moon to guide the direction, four were observed, and the invention of calendar. The operation of eternal bring rules for human life. To this end, the Boer table (BALL Watch) fusion phase change and innovation development...