新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉学子激辩汽车行业发展


Wuhan students debate the automotive industry development

2015-04-01 02:02:19来源: 大河网

光明日报讯(记者晋浩天) 日前,“舌战2015·普利司通高校辩论赛”在武汉大学举行。来自武汉大学和中山大学的两支辩论队伍围绕“汽车行业发展,技术创新和思维创新哪个更重要”这一辩题展开激辩。该辩论赛由...

Guangming Daily hearing (reporter Jin Haotian) recently, "a 2015 - Bridgestone university debate competition" held in Wuhan University. Around the "two supports and debate team from Wuhan University and Zhongshan University in the development of the automotive industry, which is more important," technology innovation and innovative thinking of this motion debate. The debate by...