新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汪柯菡:荷兰训练最苦时想哭 为复出每天吃六餐

汪柯菡:荷兰训练最苦时想哭 为复出每天吃六餐

Wang Ke Han: Dutch training is the most bitter wants to cry to return every day eat six meals a day Netease

2015-10-15 16:09:47来源: 网易

擂台上抑或是战场上从来都是男人们的天下,但总是会有这样一批巾帼并不让须眉,在擂台上勇猛的搏杀精彩程度丝毫不亚于男男对垒。自古英雄恨无用武之地,女子更谈何?昆仑决木兰传奇给了女子花木兰们挥洒的舞台,此次中国花木兰“KO女王”汪柯菡将伤愈归来,首战敲定昆仑决达州站,用擂台检验荷兰踢拳技法。 ...

ring on the or is on the battlefield has always been dominated by men, but always have such a group of women does not allow a man, in the ring brave preying on the fascinating degree no less than men pitted against each other. Since ancient times, heroes hate useless, the woman even more? Kunlun decision Mulan legend to sway women Mulan stage, the Chinese Mulan queen Ko Wang Ke Han will return from injury, opener to finalize the Kunlun decision Dazhou station, ring test of the Netherlands kick boxing techniques. ...