新关注 > 信息聚合 > 费玉清被曝欲裸捐 4亿财产不留给两个侄子

费玉清被曝欲裸捐 4亿财产不留给两个侄子

For the singer was traced to the bare donate 400 million property is not left to the two nephews

2016-03-04 20:18:35来源: 中国青年网

费玉清(资料图) 费玉清出道36年,每年平均有50场演出,因而有“演艺圈公务员”称号,外传个人身家超过20亿台币(约4亿人民币)。近年他默默行善,年捐千万元,未婚且膝下无子的他虽疼爱2个侄儿(张菲的2个儿子),不过多年前他曾考虑身后捐出全部财产做公益,若成真,2个侄儿无缘分产。 ...

Fei Yu Ching (Information) Fei Yu Ching debut 36 years, an average of 50 performances per year, hence the "showbiz civil servants" title, rumored personal net worth of more than two billion Taiwan dollars (about 400 million yuan). In recent years, he quietly doing good, of donated ten million yuan, unmarried and childless though he loved two nephews (Fei's two sons), but many years ago he had considered donating behind all property to do public service, if true, 2 points nephew missed production. ...