新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂公公刘丹:“小糯米”取材于端午节


Yang Mi father-in-law Liu Dan: "small glutinous rice" based on the Dragon Boat Festival

2014-06-01 19:10:36来源: 中国青年网

刘丹 新浪娱乐讯 杨幂[微博]今午在港诞下女儿,老公刘恺威[微博]急不及待在微博公布喜讯。刘恺威父亲刘丹接受电话访问时表示,因孙女在端午节前一日出世,故暂时乳名叫“小糯米”,自己心情非常开心及兴奋,笑言正隔住玻璃看着精灵可爱的孙女,他透露孙女差不多七磅重,并大爆新抱杨幂及儿子见到BB...

Liu Dan Sina entertainment Yang Mi hearing [micro-blog] this afternoon in Hong gave birth to daughter, husband Hawick Lau [] be anxious to micro-blog announced the good news in the micro-blog. Hawick Lau's father Liu Dan said in a telephone interview, the granddaughter in the Dragon Boat Festival a day of birth, so for the time being nicknamed "small glutinous rice", he felt very happy and excited, said with a smile is across the glass looking wizard lovely granddaughter granddaughter, he said almost seven pounds, and the explosion of new to hug Yang Mi and son to see BB...